, Posted in: Vitalzym, Author: admin (August 26, 2014)

World Nutrition has introduced Vitalzym Digest, a comprehensive digestive enzyme complex that contains 18 unique enzymes for proper nutrient assimilation. Many have benefited from the digestive benefits of the Original Vitalzym, however the digestive effect of Vitalzym Digest will prove to be far superior. We look forward to your feedback. To learn more, visit our Vitalzym Digest page.
Tags: vitalzym, Vitalzym Cardio, Vitalzym dosage, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Vitalzym, Author: admin (July 21, 2013)
We get asked quite frequently if it is OK to mix Vitalzym or Vitalzym XE Liquid Gels with Vitalzym Cardio. There is no problem with doing this. We recommend simply adding 1 capsule of the Vitalzym Cardio to each of your doses of the regular. The added nattokinase and CoQ10 will have a great impact on cleansing the blood. Remember that if you are taking any kind of anticoagulant (blood thinning) drugs, its important to talk with your healthcare provider first.

Tags: puracell, vitalzym, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Systemic Enzymes, Vitalzym, Author: admin (June 16, 2013)
Vitalzym has been a staple in systemic enzyme therapy for a decade now. Their manufacturer, World Nutrition, doesn’t introduce a lot of products…but when they do, they’re always a hit!
Puracell Systemic Cleansing System, one of their latest, has been on the market for over a year now. Customer feedback has been tremendous. We’ve sold a lot of detox products over the years, but never have we seen one that has so many users coming back. Why? Puracell was not only designed to be a thorough 30-Day Flush, but also a gentle daily cleanser when taken in reduced dosages. When mixed with Vitalzym, the cleansing effects on the liver, intestine, and cardiovascular system may be unparalleled by any cleansing kit we’ve seen on the market.
Express Naturals is an Authorized Retailer for World Nutrition products. We have an expert on staff that can help you will all of your Vitalzym, Puracell, and Flexera questions. Contact us today at 800-556-1314 or visit us at www.expressnaturals.com.

Tags: Fibrenza, seaprose-s, Systemic Enzymes, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Fibrenza, Systemic Enzymes, Author: admin (June 16, 2013)
Seaprose-S has been shown to outshine even serrapeptase in a study published in PubMed. Serrapeptase has long been used in the most effective systemic enzyme formulas. Seaprose-S has been left out of most due to its expense. The newest enzyme in our product lineup, Fibrenza, contains both serrapeptase and Seaprose-S. A copy of the published abstract is below. For more information on Fibrenza or any of our other powerful systemic enzymes, including Vitalzym and Neprinol, visit our Full Systemic Enzymes hub.
Clinical study of the efficacy of and tolerance to seaprose S in inflammatory venous disease. Controlled study versus serratio-peptidase.
This study was designed to compare the efficacy and safety of seaprose S and serratio-peptidase in the treatment of venous inflammatory disease. Forty patients entered the study (11 males, 29 females), mean age 54.3 years (range 30-77), mean weight 74.8 kg (range 51-96), with superficial thrombophlebitis. The trial was conducted following a controlled, between patients, randomized experimental design. Seaprose S was administered as 30 mg tablets at a daily dosage of 90 mg (one tab t.i.d.), and serratio-peptidase as 5 mg tablets, at a dose of 30 mg per day (two tabs t.i.d.), both orally, for 14 days. Twenty patients received seaprose S and 20 serratio-peptidase. The findings indicate that seaprose S was more effective and better tolerated than serratio-peptidase. Although the group of patients assigned to seaprose S had considerably more severe initial symptoms, by the end of treatment spontaneous pain was reduced 68.7% from the baseline mean score (from 3.2 to 1.0), as compared with a 63.3% reduction in the serratio-peptidase group (from 3.0 to 1.1). Pain on pressure was reduced 61.1% with seaprose S (from 3.6 to 1.4), compared to 57.6% with the reference treatment (from 3.3 to 1.4). Edema was reduced respectively 75% (from 1.6 to 0.4) and 56.2% (from 1.6 to 0.7); erythema diminished 72.4% (from 2.9 to 0.8) and 58.3% (from 2.4 to 1.0); nighttime cramps were 61.1% less (from 1.8 to 0.7) compared with 52.9% (from 1.7 to 0.8); hemorrhagic suffusion was 53.3% less (from 1.5 to 0.7) compared with 41.7% (from 1.2 to 0.7); cutaneous dystrophy was reduced by 11.1% (from 1.8 to 1.6) and 7.7% (from 1.3 to 1.2). At the end of the treatment with seaprose S efficacy was assessed as good or excellent in 85% of the cases, compared with 65% for serratio-peptidase. Seaprose S caused no adverse reactions. During serratio-peptidase treatment one patient reported diarrhea, requiring temporary dosage reduction and specific treatment. It can thus be confirmed that seaprose S was effective and well tolerated in patients with inflammatory venous diseases.
Tags: Fibrenza, Systemic Enzymes, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Fibrenza, Author: admin (June 13, 2013)
User feedback on the Fibrenza has been fantastic. As promised by the manufacturer, dosage requirements have been low. We recommend following their “activation dosage” for two weeks (4 capsules, twice daily) and then reducing to maintenance (2 capsules, twice daily).
Fibrenza has a unique timed release capsule (called AcidDefenz) that doesn’t have any residual solvents like traditional enteric coatings. We’re excited to have this full systemic enzyme in the line-up! Visit Fibrenza to learn more.
 Fibrenza Systemic Enzymes
Tags: zymessence, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Zymessence, Author: admin (June 12, 2013)
We are excited to offer a solvent-free alternative that contains the same powerful enzymes as Zymessence, in addition to Nattokinase NSK-SD, Seaprose-S, and Superoxide Dismutase.
Fibrenza Systemic Enzyme is new from HCP Formulas. The blend contains the most effective enzymes available today, without the use of acrylic enteric coatings. The enzymes are protected by an advanced plant-derived cellulose barrier that offers the benefits of traditional enteric coatings, without the worry of residual solvents.
To learn more visit Fibrenza.
Tags: Fibrenza, Systemic Enzymes, zymessence, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Fibrenza, Zymessence, Author: admin (April 9, 2013)
As many of you know, we are extremely picky about our enzymes. That makes us even more excited to tell you about our latest addition to the Enzyme Hub…Fibrenza. New from HCP Formulas, this one contains 14 unique systemic enzymes. We’ve never seen a blend that includes Seaprose, Nattokinase, AND Serrapeptase together! These three combined are already a powerhouse, but in addition, Fibrenza incorporates Pancreatin, Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Protease, Bromelain, and many other extremely proteolytic enzymes. And top that off with the king of antioxidant enzymes…Superoxide Dismutase (SOD).
In addition to the stellar enzymes, Fibrenza introduces a NATURAL enteric coating called AcidDefenz. Not only does this mean low dosages, but many will prefer this over solvent-based coatings (Carbomer Homopolymer Type A, etc.) and those containing phthalates (HPMCP).
Whether fending off systemic inflammation, fibrin, toxic debris or using systemic enzymes for their long term anti-aging effects, we’re sure this new blend will prove to be a favorite!
Visit Express Naturals to learn more information about Fibrenza.
Tags: Vitalzym Cardio, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Vitalzym, Author: admin (January 2, 2012)
World Nutrition has rebranded it’s VitalzymSEB blend with a new name and label. VitalzymCardio contains nattokinase and CoQ10, both of which are incredibly heart healthy. VitalzymCardio is meant to be taken in low doses. Only a few capsule a day is recommended by the manufacturer for optimal cardiovascular wellbeing. Vitalzym Cardio is available in 300 capsule bottles. To learn more, visit Express Naturals at http://www.expressnaturals.com/vitalzymseb_p/77300.htm.
Tags: Fibrenza, neprinol, Systemic Enzymes, vitalzym, zymessence, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Systemic Enzymes, Author: admin (October 8, 2011)
When beginning a whole body cleanse, don’t forget to include systemic enzymes in your regimen. These enzymes are able to function throughout the body to help cleanse the intestine, colon, liver, and blood. Optimal enzymes for cleansing include Vitalzym, Neprinol, and Zymessence. Visit www.expressnaturals.com to learn more about each.
Tags: Fibrenza, Systemic Enzymes, Zymesssence, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Zymessence, Author: admin (September 9, 2011)
Early Zymessence reviews have been fantastic. We’d love to hear more feedback relative to the dosage and condition for which you are taking them. Compared to other non-vegetarian systemic enzymes, Dr. Wong’s Zymessence has a unique enteric coating matrix that allows it to be in capsule form. Enzymes are considered better absorbed in capsule form as opposed to tablets. Systemic enzymes in hard shell tablets may not break down as quickly, resulting in reduced enzyme absorption.
Please email us your Zymessence reviews at expresscare@expressnaturals.com. Your feedback will be used to help other enzyme users make the best enzyme and dosage choices.