Tags: puracell, vitalzym, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Systemic Enzymes, Vitalzym, Author: admin (June 16, 2013)
Vitalzym has been a staple in systemic enzyme therapy for a decade now. Their manufacturer, World Nutrition, doesn’t introduce a lot of products…but when they do, they’re always a hit!
Puracell Systemic Cleansing System, one of their latest, has been on the market for over a year now. Customer feedback has been tremendous. We’ve sold a lot of detox products over the years, but never have we seen one that has so many users coming back. Why? Puracell was not only designed to be a thorough 30-Day Flush, but also a gentle daily cleanser when taken in reduced dosages. When mixed with Vitalzym, the cleansing effects on the liver, intestine, and cardiovascular system may be unparalleled by any cleansing kit we’ve seen on the market.
Express Naturals is an Authorized Retailer for World Nutrition products. We have an expert on staff that can help you will all of your Vitalzym, Puracell, and Flexera questions. Contact us today at 800-556-1314 or visit us at www.expressnaturals.com.

Tags: Fibrenza, seaprose-s, Systemic Enzymes, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Fibrenza, Systemic Enzymes, Author: admin (June 16, 2013)
Seaprose-S has been shown to outshine even serrapeptase in a study published in PubMed. Serrapeptase has long been used in the most effective systemic enzyme formulas. Seaprose-S has been left out of most due to its expense. The newest enzyme in our product lineup, Fibrenza, contains both serrapeptase and Seaprose-S. A copy of the published abstract is below. For more information on Fibrenza or any of our other powerful systemic enzymes, including Vitalzym and Neprinol, visit our Full Systemic Enzymes hub.
Clinical study of the efficacy of and tolerance to seaprose S in inflammatory venous disease. Controlled study versus serratio-peptidase.
This study was designed to compare the efficacy and safety of seaprose S and serratio-peptidase in the treatment of venous inflammatory disease. Forty patients entered the study (11 males, 29 females), mean age 54.3 years (range 30-77), mean weight 74.8 kg (range 51-96), with superficial thrombophlebitis. The trial was conducted following a controlled, between patients, randomized experimental design. Seaprose S was administered as 30 mg tablets at a daily dosage of 90 mg (one tab t.i.d.), and serratio-peptidase as 5 mg tablets, at a dose of 30 mg per day (two tabs t.i.d.), both orally, for 14 days. Twenty patients received seaprose S and 20 serratio-peptidase. The findings indicate that seaprose S was more effective and better tolerated than serratio-peptidase. Although the group of patients assigned to seaprose S had considerably more severe initial symptoms, by the end of treatment spontaneous pain was reduced 68.7% from the baseline mean score (from 3.2 to 1.0), as compared with a 63.3% reduction in the serratio-peptidase group (from 3.0 to 1.1). Pain on pressure was reduced 61.1% with seaprose S (from 3.6 to 1.4), compared to 57.6% with the reference treatment (from 3.3 to 1.4). Edema was reduced respectively 75% (from 1.6 to 0.4) and 56.2% (from 1.6 to 0.7); erythema diminished 72.4% (from 2.9 to 0.8) and 58.3% (from 2.4 to 1.0); nighttime cramps were 61.1% less (from 1.8 to 0.7) compared with 52.9% (from 1.7 to 0.8); hemorrhagic suffusion was 53.3% less (from 1.5 to 0.7) compared with 41.7% (from 1.2 to 0.7); cutaneous dystrophy was reduced by 11.1% (from 1.8 to 1.6) and 7.7% (from 1.3 to 1.2). At the end of the treatment with seaprose S efficacy was assessed as good or excellent in 85% of the cases, compared with 65% for serratio-peptidase. Seaprose S caused no adverse reactions. During serratio-peptidase treatment one patient reported diarrhea, requiring temporary dosage reduction and specific treatment. It can thus be confirmed that seaprose S was effective and well tolerated in patients with inflammatory venous diseases.
Tags: Fibrenza, neprinol, Systemic Enzymes, vitalzym, zymessence, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Systemic Enzymes, Author: admin (October 8, 2011)
When beginning a whole body cleanse, don’t forget to include systemic enzymes in your regimen. These enzymes are able to function throughout the body to help cleanse the intestine, colon, liver, and blood. Optimal enzymes for cleansing include Vitalzym, Neprinol, and Zymessence. Visit www.expressnaturals.com to learn more about each.
, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Systemic Enzymes, Vitalzym, Author: admin (September 7, 2011)
Powerful systemic enzymes such as Vitalzym, VitalzymSEB, Vitalzym Xe, Wobenzym, Neprinol, and Zymessence may all cause side effects from detoxification. Not everyone will experience them and they are usually relatively minor. Symptoms may include headache, upset stomach, diarrhea, muscle aches, or fogginess. Though uncomfortable, these symptoms are a result of the beneficial cleansing that comes along with a highly proteolytic systemic enzyme. The detoxification may include a cleansing of the liver, digestive tract, and blood. If you wish to reduce the rate of detox and its associated symptoms, you can reduce the enzyme dosage. Drinking plenty of water will speed up the detoxification process.
If more serous side effects occur, be sure to see your healthcare provider. Vitalzym and these other systemic enzymes contain or may contain pineapple, corn, rice, papaya, and other ingredients that may cause a reaction if you are allergic. These ingredients listed are not all encompassing, so be sure to check the individual ingredients of each enzyme before making a decision on which is right for you.
To view ingredients listings, visit us a www.expressnaturals.com.
Tags: Fibrenza, neprinol, Systemic Enzymes, vitalzym, zymessence, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Systemic Enzymes, Author: admin (August 31, 2011)
According to World Nutrition, the manufacturers of Vitalzym, Vitalzym Xe, and Vitalzym SEB, their systemic enzymes don’ t begin to lose activity until temperatures exceed 150 degrees. Systemic enzymes are subjected to high temperatures during the manufacturing process so they must be able to resist these conditions. So if your enzymes sit in a hot mailbox for an afternoon, they most likely have not been damaged. Of course the first thing we do if we think something has gone bad is smell it. Unfortunately this isn’t an indicator since systemic enzymes do have a sour smell to them even when they’re fresh. If you’re concerned your order from www.ExpressNaturals.com has been subjected to extreme heat in excess of 150 degrees, send us an email at expresscare@expressnaturals.com.
Tags: Systemic Enzymes, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Systemic Enzymes, Author: admin (May 12, 2011)
Every now and again we get a call about sour smelling enzymes. Have they gone bad? No, but for some reason systemic enzymes can have a really sour milk odor to them. Unfortunately the smell seems to vary from lot to lot without any rhyme or reason. These enzymes haven’t gone bad. Most brands of systemic enzymes, including Vitalzym, have at least an 18 month shelf life. And even then, the enzymes don’t actually go bad, but rather they begin to lose strength. It’s best to keep your enzymes stored at room temperature, and though they may have an odor, they’ll be fresh for many, many months. For more information on systemic enzymes, be sure to visit us at http://www.expressnaturals.com/Enzymes_1_s/39.htm.
Tags: Fibrenza, neprinol, vitalzym, vitalzym xe, vitalzymxe, Posted in: Enzyme Talk, Systemic Enzymes, Author: admin (February 18, 2011)
If you’ve done some research on enzymes, especially systemic enzymes, by now you have found it is extremely difficult to compare each brand. Many of the manufacturers list a blend of enzymes without giving out specific ingredient quantities or strengths. It almost feels like trying to comparison shop for a mattress from one store to another…it’s impossible to compare!
Well unlike mattresses, major enzyme companies aren’t doing this to make it more difficult for YOU! They make their blends “proprietary” to make it difficult for competitors to replicate. Creating a world class enzyme blend isn’t like making a multivitamin. The strengths and quantities of individual enzymes in a blend work synergistically. A small tweak of a highly proteolytic enzyme can significantly change the results of a blend significantly for the better or worse.
Perfect example: World Nutrition developed Vitalzym in 2001. We believe Vitalzym to be the best selling serrapeptase blend in the world. Countless (at least 25!) companies have tried to duplicate the results of Vitalzym. Google “Vitalzym” and you’ll be sure to find a few. But after 10 years, we haven’t seen one company that’s been able to create the same results using the same ingredients listed on the Vitalzym bottle. Why? Because World Nutrition keeps their formula proprietary.
So we don’t look at it as a negative at all. We appreciate the amount of time, research, and expense it must’ve taken to perfect the formula. Just like Coca Cola, it’s the Real Thing and they have a right to keep it a secret. So if you’re looking for a proven systemic enzyme, Vitalzym is time-tested, unparalleled, and still a great value. If you’re shopping for a mattress…you’re on your own.
Visit us at www.expressnaturals.com.